Satoshi Ōsugi (大杉 智 Ōsugi Satoshi ) is a member of the Eden of the East team and has an unrequited love to Saki Morimi. In episode five, he plans to go have lunch with her, but finds Saki has left with Akira Takizawa instead.
Osugi exhibits a selfish character In that he consistently tries to denounce Takizawa's character out of jealousy. Towards the end of the series, he's made a fool of after he blames Takizawa for the Careless Monday Attacks and the kidnapping of the 20,000 NEETs; though he is proven wrong by Saki, and Takizawa actually made great efforts to protect the Careless Monday Victims and NEETs.
- Satoshi’s Japanese VA (Eguchi Takuya) is a similar height and was the same age at the time of the recording. It is also his first named character in anime.